Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Spice Up Your Life: Reponse

When reading Zoe post I liked how she put the Spice Girls as her main focus because I agree that they have greatly affected young girls lives in my generation. When reading Douglas’s work she states that women have to compromise. That they can “play sports, excel at school, go to college, aspire to get jobs perversely preserved for men, be working mothers, and so forth. In exchange we obsess about our physical features or lack other things”. I believe that the Spice girls show that you don’t have to compromise and that you can “have it all”. An example that I give would be my Aunt. She is in a reverse of roles with my Uncle right now. She is the one working and providing the money for the family so they can live in a nice house and still be around to be a mom, while my Uncle is now the usual “stay at home mom”, by cleaning and doing all the chores that men see as “women’s work”. I respect them both for the fact that they can live harmoniously with this role reversal because people still today look at that is being abnormal.

To back up Douglas on the previous quote, I would tend to see how people would see that women have to compromise one thing to get another because of the media. Women who are usually in higher positions in shows often have a major problem in their life. For example, on the show Bones, the main character is a women and an anthropologist who worked her way through education and received great honors, was considered the best in her field, and writes numerous books but lacks normal social skills. She doesn’t understand sarcasm, jokes, and really has no friends besides her colleagues. Douglas expresses the give and take in this relationship and that you can’t have it all unless you are “superwomen”.

These two examples support and go against Douglas’s quote. I cannot decide which direction I want to back up completely, so I will keep an open mind on both sides.

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