Monday, April 4, 2011

Leading Post: Women and Abortions

"How it all began: I had an abortion" article discusses how women and Germany began to have their abortion rights. In 1971, the Movement de Liberation des Femmes started in France and worked it way to the neighboring country Germany. Before this many people had the idea that Germans were not angry about not having pro-choice. They believed that the women who wanted this were "witches, like in the US" (356). There was anger because the belief that women needed to be the perfect house wife, lover and hold a job was just a very unrealistic view. Women were against protesting at first because "it wasn't going to be serious" or "it would only shock the grass root" (357). Meaning that they didn't want to risk their repetition for something that wouldn't stick or they didn't want to be apart of something that would shock other people. Most of the women who agreed were women of lower class with basically nothing to lose. It was a major deal that these women stood up for what they believe in.

Judith Arcana' article "Abortion Is a Motherhood Issue" is about her idea about abortion. She starts off discussing her medical history and how it has left a mark in her life. The one thing that I don't really agree on is when she says that abortion is like making a decision to "send you kid to school or not, ect" (226). She gives numerous examples of comparing how abortion is. I understand that she is trying to say it is a life decision but I don't think you can truly believe in the comparison that she is making. I do agree when she goes on to say that it can effect women in different ways. Some can become depressed about their loss or some can be relieved. There is nothing wrong about any emotion because you are human and they are natural reactions.

As a woman, I have always believed in pro-choice. I see this as a matter of a life choice and a decision that will effect you for the rest of your life. I would have to say I am also pro birth control so that you don't have to make that difficult decision. Neither decision is wrong or right it is just a matter of opinion. I believe that having the choice is better then not. If something terrible happens to you and it was illegal to have the choice then you would be stuck. This makes it so as a women you have the choice to decide for yourself what you think is the right thing to do.

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