Monday, April 18, 2011

Women and War

Cynthia Enloe's articles focuses on the rape of women during War time. The first article "All Men Are in the Militias" discusses Borislav Herak and how the chain of command forced him to rape women during the Bosnian rapes. We was accused of 16 rapes and some murders after the fact if these women. During the interview he confesses to all these things because he was afraid of what the army would do to him if he refused. The army provided him with shelter and food. He was afraid of being sent to the front line of a bad area and being shot if he refused to do what they said or be sent to jail. Also, there was the issue of gender. The army company was strictly men only, therefore he was with his men and felt pressured to participate. The only time he actually felt morale was when "he was drinking schnapps or barbecuing with the men"(116). The second article focuses on how 3 American Marines were charged with the rape of a 12 year old girl. Rape and sexual assault causes political outrage and prostitution is also is illegal in Japan. he excuses is that is supposed to release "natural urges" and women are left to their own devices.

The NY Time articles "A Peril in War Zones" and "Living and Fighting alongside men" talk about similar problems discussing women and sexual assault in the US Army. Only about 2,000 rape/assault charges were brought up this year which is only 10%. Women are afraid to speak out in fear of losing their position and because they are supposed to be tough. One women said that she was supposed to be fighting along side the men and the issue of War was a bigger issue then what was going on with her. This is not true because if I was getting stalked, raped, or sexually assaulted I wouldn't have a clear head going into battle. She said she felt safer outside the lines then walking alone at night in her own barracks. Eventually White was investigated for 19 accounts of sexual harassment. When a women knows she isn't the only on, it is easier to deal with. They don't feel less tough because it wasn't just happening to her. Also, living situations can be difficult. You are now allowed to date a fellow officer. The army doesn't really care because they have bigger problems to deal with. Most women are looked at as "a bitch, a slut or married but even then still one or the other"(1). It is still difficult for women in the Army even though they are fighting side by side with these men.

Overall, sexual assault and rape is still an issue through out the military with the men. Men from different countries are obeying orders to avoid jail and losing the way they live. Even the Us is struggling with sexual assault problems that are not being reported. The military and Pentagon talks about prevention and educating people on he problem but with no results is this really helping?

This is a video clip of the army talking about the prevention they are doing.

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